Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Sucker

Last Saturday night while eating a sucker Aspen started screaming hysterically, "my tooth, my tooth." We immediately stopped what we were doing and ran to her attention. It wasn't bleeding but it was loose, really loose. We felt awful like it was our fault that her tooth was falling out. If we hadn't let her eat that darn sucker, her sweet little baby tooth would still be in tack. Keep in mind that Aspen is 5 years old. In fact, she will be 6 in May. She isn't a baby anymore but she is still our baby and we aren't doing very well with the whole growing up thing.

So as soon as I could on Monday morning I called the Dentist. I wanted to make sure that if the tooth wasn't ready to come out, they could fix it. The Dentist assured me that the tooth was fine and in fact, she is lucky to still have all her teeth at this age. She said that girls usually lose their first tooth between 5 and 6 and boys lose their first tooth between 6 and 7. I had no idea it was a gender thing. After speaking to the dentist I felt much better. Like it was time for the tooth to come out anyway.

Although it still broke my heart, Aspen lost her first tooth yesterday, Feb. 13th. She lost it at school but brought it home for the tooth fairy.

I will post more about our tooth fairy adventure in my next post. But here is a picture of Aspen, 1 tooth short :-)

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